Can anyone help me with the specs on a 100hz tone board. Recently our repeter was forces to use a 100hz ctcss sub audible tone. Dose anyone have the specs on building one. It is for a mobile radio with plenty of space inside so tiny is not a necessity.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Willie Sandin
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 94 08:07:57 GMT
Subject: 2m/70cm linear - circuit wanted
I use a dual band Icom HT in the car. Having bent longer aerials, I now
use a 1/4 wave. I could do with more 'oomph' but find commercial dual
band linears excessively pricey - typically between 250 and 400 UK pounds.
Can anyone give me pointers to published designs or suitable circuits to
build one myself? Other comments or suggestions welcomed.